From this page you can download the image sets used for testing the gray component replacement (GCR) method proposed in the article "Colorimetrically Accurate Gray Component Replacement Using the Additive Model" (currenty under review). The archive contains two subfolders with image sets: 140 images used to test the proposed method and 25 images used to compare it with commercial solution.
140 images: Contains the original CMYK images (GCR-database_XXX.tif) and images with GCR performed (gcr8GCR-database_XXX.tif). To compare images, assign the profile for the process of interest (profiles are in root folder) to them in the image viewing / editing application. To avoid assigning profiles to each image separately, you can use the profile to set the application's default CMYK working space with it.
25 images: Similarly to the larger set folder, this one contains originals, proposed method GCR applied images and commercial solution GCR applied images.

The best way to compare visual appearance differences between images is to open them in tabs, one on top of another, and then switching between tabs. Note that much smaller differences are visible when comparing them placed side by side. To compare differences in their channels, inspect CMYK values in dark areas of originals vs. GRC applied images. Opening channels view is also recommended.

NOTE: Images used in the experiment were in uncompressed TIF format. To keep the size of the database available on this page reasonable, they were converted to high quality JPEG. Compression may have introduced small amounts of noise in some images.

Archive in six parts:
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